This listing is not an endorsement of these points of view. I provide the list for an informational purpose for terms often encountered by those who see no biblical reason to practice apologetics. 1 Peter 3:15 prescribes us to always provide the reason for the joy within us.
Biblical objections to apologetics –
1) involves the claim that there are specific and clear repudiations of the practice of apologetics in Scripture.
2) claims only that the Bible does not address apologetics and therefore cannot be used to justify the practice of apologetics.
God’s transcendence objection – the barrier to apologetics is in God’s utterly transcendent nature; God is strictly incomprehensible.
Human-sinfulness objection – sin mars not only the human will and emotions but also the intellect.
problem: Christians and non-Christians are not speaking the same language since the mind of the unbeliever is clouded by sin.
Lifestyle apologetics – all Christians are called to live their lives in ways that present the gospel of Jesus Christ in a compelling light.
No-details argument – argue that the Bible does not provide any specific instructions on how to do apologetics; therefore, it is unnecessary or perhaps even inappropriate
No-need argument – the Bible does not need to be defended; apologetics does nothing to add to the authority of the Bible.
Objection of irrelevance of logical arguments to faith – since many people have a robust, dynamic, sincere faith who have no views for the propositions entailed by their faith, logical arguments seem to be unnecessary (and even injurious) to faith.
Objection that the cure is worse than the disease –
1) while the faith is simple, apologetics make the faith too complex. It is important to focus on key principles of doctrine when doing apologetics. Getting bogged down in minutia brings focus to what is irrelevant.
2) apologetics compromises essential truths of the faith and thereby destroys what it is trying to defend.
Sola gratia objection – Salvation cannot be achieved by human effort, and since only the Holy Spirit can bring a person to faith in Christ, it is unreasonable to engage in the sort of activities suggested by apologetics.
Theological objections to apologetics –
1) Human sinfulness – our sinful nature clouds the logic of our premises.
2) God’s transcendence – a presuppositional position that God’s transcendence is fundamental.
3) Irrelevance of logical arguments to faith
4) Sola gratia
5) The cure is worse than the disease
6) Social action is more critical than doing apologetics. Christians are better off attending to the needs of their neighbors etc. than in practicing apologetics. While the horizontal and vertical commands are paramount, we should prioritize our efforts.
See also: Terminology in Apologetics and Anthropological Arguments